
Programmatic Theme: Translational Bioinformatics

Abstract: We present sig2db as an open-source solution for clinical data warehouses desiring to process natural language from prescription instructions, often referred to as "sigs". In electronic prescribing, the sig is typically an unstructured text field intended to capture all requirements for medication administration. The sig captures certain fields that the structured data may lack such as days supply, time of day, or meal-time considerations. Our open-source software package facilitates the workflow needed to process sigs into a structured format usable by clinical data warehouses. Our solution focuses on extracting concepts from prescriptions in order to understand the intended semantics by leveraging known natural language processing tools. We demonstrate the utility of concept extraction from sigs and present our findings in processing 1023 unique sigs from 5.7 million unique prescriptions.

Learning Objective: We present a natural language processing solution for managing and extracting concepts from prescription instructions.


Daniel Harris (Presenter)
University of Kentucky

Darren Henderson, University of Kentucky
Alexandria Corbeau, University of Kentucky

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